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Server info - World of Shinobi

World Of Shinobi Information

  • IP: (Port: 7171)
  • Client: 8.6
  • Online: 24/7
  • World type: OPEN (Protection level: 50)
  • House rent: disabled.

  • PZ Lock: 1 min
  • White Skull Time: 8 min
  • Red skull length: 30 days
  • Black skull length: 45 days
  • Red skull

    • 15 frags daily
    • 60 frags weekly
    • 150 frags monthly

    Black skull

    • 30 frags daily
    • 120 frags weekly
    • 250 frags monthly
  • Exp Rate: x3
  • Exp Rate from Players: x0.4
  • Magic Level: x2.5
  • Skills: x2
  • Loot: x1
  • Spawn: x1
  • Houses: 50 level
  • Guilds: 1 level (Create via website)