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Jutsu/lee - World of Shinobi


Look Requirements Type
1 Level Constant
40 Level Period
+ 80 Level Period
+ 120 Level Period
150 Level Constant
+ 200 Level Period
+ 250 Level Period
300 Level Constant
350 Level Constant
naruto uzumaki


Health Per level 30
Chakra Per Level 15
Capacity per level 20
Weapon Glove

Lee Jutsus

Name Level Chakra Type Cooldown Copy
Konoha Kisu GIF 10 35 Target 2s Konoha Kisu
Gouken GIF 15 35 +15 Crit, +10 Taijutsu for 30s 2s Gouken
Konoha Renpuu GIF 20 55 Wave 2s Konoha Renpuu
Konoha Senpuu GIF 35 230 Aoe 2s Konoha Senpuu
Konoha Dai Renpuu GIF 50 250 Wave 2s Konoha Dai Renpuu
Koubushii GIF 70 250 Target Aoe 2s Koubushii
Konoha Dai Senpuu GIF 100 750 Aoe 2s Konoha Dai Senpuu
Omote Renge GIF 150 900 Target Jump with Aoe dmg
If target >85%HP then Omote deals bonus -5%HP
4s Omote Renge
Suiken Kempou GIF 150 500 +60 Crit, +20 Taijutsu for 20s 2s Suiken Kempou
Ao sogeki hoshi GIF 250 1200 Aoe 2s Ao sogeki hoshi
Daisenpu GIF 300 1000 Target 2s Daisenpu
Ura Renge GIF 350 2300 Target Jump with Aoe dmg
If target >85%HP then Ura deals bonus -5%HP
4s Ura Renge