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Jutsu/kiba - World of Shinobi


Look Requirements Type
1 Level Constant
40 Level Constant
80 Level Constant
+ 120 Level Period
150 Level Constant
+ 200 Level Period
250 Level Period
300 Level Constant
350 Level Constant
naruto uzumaki


Health Per level 23
Chakra Per Level 27
Capacity per level 20
Weapon Glove

Kiba Jutsus

Name Level Chakra Type Cooldown Copy
Akamaru GIF 10 7% Summon Akamaru
Akamaru grows stronger with each transform
4s Akamaru
Tsuuga GIF 20 280 Aoe 2s Tsuuga
Rouga GIF 35 200 Wave 2s Rouga
Kizu GIF 50 320 Target 2s Kizu
Gatsuuga GIF 70 860 Aoe 2s Gatsuuga
Garouga GIF 100 850 Wave 2s Garouga
Itameru GIF 150 1150 Aoe 2s Itameru
Taisha GIF 150 255 Heal 2s Taisha
Jinju konbi GIF 250 1250 Target Aoe 2s Jinju konbi
Aka no soshaku GIF 300 1050 Wave
Dashes through enemies
4s Aka no soshaku
Dai Gatenga GIF 350 1600 3x Aoe 2s Dai Gatenga